
* undergraduate coauthor

in prep

DT Simpson. The curious case of Bombus impatiens: habitat affects catch rates and colony abundance, but not population genetics, of this unusually common bumble bee.

DT Simpson. Using rates of isolation-by-distance to jointly estimate effective population size and dispersal distances: a practical demonstration using bumble bees.

DT Simpson, C. Smith, R. Winfree. Wild bees have distinct habitat associations and idiosyncratic scales of response.


Reilly, J., I. Bartomeus, DT Simpson, A. Allen-Perkins, L. Garibaldi, R. Winfree. 2024. Wild insects and honey bees are equally important to crop yields in a global analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Smith, C., J. Bonachela, DT Simpson, N. Lemanski, R. Winfree. 2024. Geometric effects of fragmentation are likely to mitigate diversity loss following habitat destruction in real-world landscapes. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Aldercotte, AH, DT Simpson, R Winfree. 2022. Crop visitation by wild bees declines over an eight-year time series - a dramatic trend, or just dramatic between-year variation? Insect Conservation and Diversity.

Simpson, DT, L Weinman, M Genung, M Roswell, M Teague, and R Winfree. 2022. Many bee species, including rare species, are important for function of entire plant-pollinator networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20212689.

Simpson, DT, MS Teague*, JK Weeks*, BZ Kaup, O Kerscher, and M Leu. 2019. Habitat amount, quality, and fragmentation associated with prevalence of the tick-borne pathogen Ehrlichia chaffeensis and occupancy dynamics of its vector, Amblyomma americanum. Landscape Ecology 34: 2435-2449.

Bunn, RA, DT Simpson, LS Bullington, Y Lekberg, and DP Janos. 2019. Revisiting the ‘direct mineral cycling’ hypothesis: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonize leaf litter, but why? ISME 13: 1891-1898.

Simpson, DT, MS Teague*, JK Weeks*, AD Lewis*, PM D’Addio*, JD Moore*, JA Thompson*, RT Canella*, AC Harris*, BZ Kaup, O Kerscher, and M Leu. 2019. Broad, multi-year sampling effort highlights complex dynamics of the tick-borne pathogen Ehrlichia chaffeensis. Journal of Medical Entomology 56(1): 162-168.