Check out the research areas below to see more information on past, present, and future projects.

The drooping flowers of praire smoke, Geum triflorum

Population ecology

Patterns in species’ occupancy or abundance are ultimately driven by variable population dynamics. I am interested in what drives those dynamics. In particular, what environmental drivers really promote or limit population growth, and through which mechanisms? And how do effects experienced across an organism’s life cycle come together to shape population outcomes?

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Aerial landscape classification

Landscape ecology

A species’ habitat needs are central to understanding a species’ basic ecology, as well as to its effective conservation and management. I am especially interested in how habitat use by individual organsims scales up to determine species distributions or patterns of population density.

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Hypothetical figure showing diet complementarity among bee species

Biodiversity-ecosystem function

Given the rapid declines in global biodiversity, I am interested in the role of diversity itself in maintaining the ecosystem functions that support both natural systems and human well-being.

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